A space for young people
Thanks to a youth center, young people in Zimbabwe have better access to health information.
In a study conducted last year, young people cited the need for youth-friendly spaces in healthcare facilities as their main concern. One such space – known as THIIS (Teen Health Information and Innovation Space) – has now been inaugurated at Bota Health Clinic, in collaboration with SolidarMed. It will provide young people with medical counselling and treatment delivered by specially-trained healthcare professionals. The large space, which is similar to a youth club, will also host information events on health and self-help groups. The teenagers from one of the self-help groups for young mums suggested installing an oven to bake rolls that can then be sold. The proceeds will be used to maintain the building. The young people were involved in the building renovation and subsequently worked with an artist to paint it. They had a great day and there is a possibility of future workshops with the artist.
Tailoring services to young people
Thanks to SolidarMed, young people in rural Zimbabwe lead a healthy and self-determined life.