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Africa needs your solidarity now.

Humans are at the mercy of the coronavirus. SolidarMed cares for people at risk and strengthens medical care. Help us!

Corona: Africa is facing a catastrophe with countless victims.

The coronavirus will also spread rapidly in southern Africa. The WHO warns people to prepare for the worst. SolidarMed now supports partner hospitals, health centres and village communities with emergency aid.

The number of corona patients diagnosed in southern Africa is still small. But a humanitarian catastrophe is looming. The way of life in large families in confined spaces, people in urban slums or refugees in reception camps will encourage the spread. Many people in Africa already suffer from other infectious diseases such as HIV, malaria or tuberculosis. These people with weakened health are defencelessly at the mercy of the coronavirus.

How does SolidarMed work?

  • We inform the population directly in the villages and via radio about additional hygiene measures for dealing with the coronavirus.

  • We provide the health personnel with protective masks and train them in handling highly infectious diseases.

  • We protect patients with diseases such as HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis from corona infection at health centres and hospitals, e.g. through separate zones for corona infected people.

Help us to cope with the imminent disaster in Africa.

Your donation protects people in Africa from a potential corona infection.

Vulnerable people need our protection

Many people in Africa already suffer from other infectious diseases such as HIV, malaria or tuberculosis. These people, who are already weakened in health, are defencelessly at the mercy of the coronavirus. Many measures such as "social distancing" are difficult to implement in Africa and there is a lack of social security. There is a lack of respiratory equipment for the treatment of acute corona cases in the sparsely equipped emergency rooms.

Now immediate measures are needed for prevention, information and protection of the population. Strengthened health care is needed more urgently than ever.

Die Menschen sind dem Coronavirus schutzlos ausgeliefert. SolidarMed sorgt für gefährdete Personen und stärkt die medizinische Versorgung. Helfen Sie mit!

Ensuring basic medical care

The Corona crisis shows how crucial a strong health system is in coping with an epidemic: sufficiently trained health personnel, information for the population and appropriate medical treatment measures.

Even in the current crisis, SolidarMed is a supporting partner of local institutions, health centres and hospitals in Lesotho, Mozambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Tanzania. We continue to support them with material, know-how and personnel from our local teams. 

It is precisely in this extraordinary situation that the combined forces of all are needed.

With the help of your donation people in Africa can be protected from corona infection.

The people in Lesotho, Mozambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Tanzania need your support now. Thank you.