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Malnutrition in Lesotho

Poor diets and HIV lead to malnutrition in Lesotho

The barren mountain landscape and regular droughts mean that food security in Lesotho is precarious. The HIV epidemic exacerbates the problem: there are tens of thousands of HIV orphans in the country.

Key project facts

  • Project Goal

    Preventing malnutrition in children below the age of five.

  • Target Groups

    Children and women in the districts of Butha-Buthe and Mokhotlong.

  • Activities

    Raising awareness in the villages about proper nutrition and healthy diets for infants

Key project facts



Karte Afrika

Barren landscapes, widespread HIV

Malnutrition among infants in the remote highlands is an acute health problem. Often, this means the children are stunted and cognitively impaired. The poor agricultural conditions, unbalanced diets and long-standing traditions contribute towards the problem. The high prevalence of HIV and the resulting high number of Aids orphans further exacerbate the situation.

SolidarMed tries to approach the problem holistically. We promote regular nutrition campaigns in the villages to share simple and practical tips on how to enrich the food for babies and infants. During these visits, SolidarMed also carries out health check-ups. During these check-ups, the children's growth is monitored, they are tested and treated for anaemia, dewormed and given vitamin A.

In addition, SolidarMed works with traditional healers and birth attendants to raise their awareness of issues around malnutrition.

Malnutrition threatens to rob Lesotho of half a generation of children.

Die provisorisch eingerichtete "Ernährungsecke" in einem einfachen Haus füllt sich schnell mit Müttern und ihren Kindern. Die Aktion ist Teil der mobilen Klinik, mit der das Spitalteam regelmässig in abgelegene Dörfer fährt.

Eine Gesundheitsberaterin ergänzt einen einfachen Porrige mit Erdnussbutter. Dazu vermittelt sie Informationen über Gemüse und einweishaltige Nahrungsmittel, die auch im ländlichen Lesotho verfügbar sind.

Die Ernährungssituation im Bergstaat Lesotho ist ernst. Über 40% der Kinder unter 5 Jahren in den Bergregionen sind mangelernährt. Ihre tägliche Nahrung enthält zu wenig pflanzliche und tierische Eiweisse, Fette, Vitamine oder Mineralien, um die kindlichen Wachstumsbedürfnisse zu decken.

Für viele Kinder beginnt die Mängelernährung im Mutterleib, da die Mütter die benötigten gesunden Lebensmittel nicht erhalten.

SolidarMed raises awareness among nurses, traditional healers, village health workers and traditional birth attendants in the villages of the importance of a balanced diet for infants. We also provide information material for pregnant women and mothers. Youth workers and nurses share information in schools and health centres on topics like pregnancy, sexuality and health, communicable diseases and contraception.

«Thanks to the training, I know when a child needs medical attention.»

Maletsota Letsota, Community Health Worker in Butha Buthe, Lesotho

Your donation helps

Your valuable donation helps us train health workers in remote highland villages in Lesotho. It also helps us carry out nutrition campaigns. Thank you very much!

More on this topic

SolidarMed doesn't only care for mothers and their children in the highlands of Lesotho. We also have similar projects in other countries. Learn more here.