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Mozambique is one of the poorest countries in the world. SolidarMed works in a targeted way to relieve pressure on the ailing health system and deliver emergency aid.

Strengthening the health system and emergency aid

Northern Mozambique is in a state of unrest. Several cyclones, the Covid-19 pandemic and the persistent terrorist attacks have further exacerbated need in one of the world’s poorest countries. SolidarMed is continuing the long-standing efforts to strengthen healthcare and also provides emergency aid.

Mozambique in Numbers

  • Maternal mortality

    289 deaths per 100,000 live births (Switzerland: 5)

  • Under-5 mortality rate

    73 deaths per 1,000 live births (Switzerland: 4)

  • HIV prevalence in the adult population

    13.2% (1 in 8 is HIV-positive)

  • Doctors per 10,000 population

    0.8 (Switzerland: 44)

Mozambique in Numbers



Karte Afrika

SolidarMed in Mozambique

Over a million people rely on humanitarian aid in northern Mozambique, and the health system is desperately overstretched. SolidarMed works to ensure that both internally displaced people and local populations have access to healthcare. The focus is on measures for better hygiene, tackling gender-based violence, and rapid treatment of pregnant women and children in emergencies.


Thomas Vandamme MD MPH

Programme Mozambique


Emergency aid for those in need

SolidarMed delivers emergency aid to the many refugees in northern Mozambique. In the resettlement camps SolidarMed hands out urgently-needed equipment, such as hygiene kits, supports mobile clinics, and raises awareness of sexual violence. SolidarMed supports overstretched hospitals in the surrounding area by providing supplies and by helping deal with the large number of patients.

Enabling timely treatment

In northern Mozambique there are not enough functioning ambulances, and waiting times are too long in accident and emergency departments. Thanks to SolidarMed, pregnant women can travel free of charge in tuk tuks to healthcare facilities where they can give birth safely. And the distribution of coloured cards on arrival at hospital ensures that children in life-threatening situations get rapid treatment.

In the Gihote resettlement camp, SolidarMed provides emergency aid to people who have fled the conflict in the north of the country.

Children in the Karapua resettlement camp in Cabo Delgado, northern Mozambique – their new home.

A mother and child at a health centre close to a resettlement camp in Cabo Delgado.

Thanks to SolidarMed, pregnant women get free transport by tuk tuk to a healthcare facility where they can give birth safely.

A woman who fled the conflict in the north receives support from a health activist in the Gihote resettlement camp.

The distribution of coloured cards on arrival at hospital ensures that children in life-threatening situations get rapid treatment.

Better hygiene to tackle the spread of disease

The hygiene conditions are abysmal in the resettlement camps that house many refugees. But health centres and hospitals are often also lacking a hygiene and waste concept – or it is not properly followed. This encourages the spread of infections and disease. SolidarMed therefore provides hygiene kits and sterilisation equipment and trains health workers and the public on simple yet effective hygiene measures.


Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)

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Your donation makes a difference

Your valuable donation allows us to alleviate suffering in one of the world’s poorest countries and to improve health. Thank you so much!

Projects in Mozambique

SolidarMed supports the health of internally displaced people and the local population. We help the healthcare facilities and authorities improve basic primary healthcare and provide emergency aid.

Anhaltender Konflikt

Der Norden Mosambiks kommt nicht zur Ruhe. Erfahre Sie die Hintergründe zur Situation und wie SolidarMed das Leid der Menschen lindert.